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Locus VII

Submitted by mccaffer on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 3:29pm

In 2005 we investigated another field containing several very low mounds.  The goal was search for later materials, dating to the Ometepe period, since some sherds of Luna Polychrome had been found on the surface in this area.  Shovel testing was conducted, and three exploratory excavations were placed on Mound 8. 

Locus VII with Mound 8

Mound 8


One of the excavation units on Mound 8 encountered another shoe-shaped burial urn, containing the best preserved skeletal remains of a young infant.


Mound 8 burial urn

Burial urn


Deeper in the same unit was a hearth containing about 40 carbonized jocote seeds, which provided a date of


Mound 8 hearth

Mound 8 hearth



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