Welcome to Dr. Geoffrey McCafferty's evolving web site
Tabs along the side link to different aspects of my professional career, including links to publications.
Using the tabs across the top of this page you can learn of some of my specific research:
Cholula, Puebla, Mexico has been a major focus of my archaeological research over the past 40 years. I have recently received new funding and plan additional investigations beginning in 2021.
Santa Isabel, Nicaragua was the site of a SSHRC funded project from 2000-2005, in which we investigated community organization during the Postclassic Sapoa period (800-1250 CE)
Granada, Nicaragua is the current focus of archaeological investigations; in 2008 excavations took place at Tepetate, on the outskirts of modern Granada. Between 2009 and 2016 the focus of investigation shifted to El Rayo, a Bagaces to Sapoa period transition site on the Asese peninsula south of Granada city. We are planning to return for another field season in 2021.
With my wife Sharisse, I maintain a strong interest in gender relations in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica; some of the specific topics of our research are presented here [under construction]
Under Miscellaneous are other research topics, including projects in other parts of Mexico and Nicaragua, and historical archaeology in the Northeastern United States [under construction]